Monday, October 29, 2018


我沒料到會在這個地方碰上這種事。有個矮胖矮胖的婦 女在公車站向我走來;她穿著破舊的 T 恤衫和運動褲,問我 想不想要她的女兒。她說起中文時有很強烈的抑揚頓挫,我 一開始還懷疑自己是不是聽錯了。婦女放下裝滿家庭清潔用 品的塑膠袋,伸出手要跟我握手。


「至少瞧個一眼嘛。」女人說,並示意我看看約莫五步 之外的女孩。









我見公車即將進站,便說:「不好意思,我趕著去上 班。」


她伸手撫過我拎在手上的 Subway 潛艇堡牛皮紙袋,彷 彿在說:「把裡頭的火雞肉潛艇堡交出來,這女孩就歸你。」

公車車門打開之際,這母親便攬住她弱智女兒的肩膀, 打算奮力把她推上公車跟我一起走。無奈女孩比她強壯得多,所以這招並未奏效。



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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Elizabeth Warren: Who the Hell do you think you are?

Can’t you just smell the Dem sense of #Entitlement?

Claiming to be Native American, prominent Dem senator Elizabeth Warren benefited for years from special treatment. Now that it’s clear she’s no more Native American than most American whites, what does she do? She keeps defending herself.

It would never enter Warren’s head just to apologize, to say: "Actually I didn’t deserve those benefits, and I’m very sorry about what happened. Here’s what I intend to do to make it up.”

Warren doesn’t think that way. She has the Dem entitlement bug. Being “on the left”, being “a woman”, and since “the patriarchy blah blah blah"--because of all this any concrete facts of Warren's behavior are irrelevant. Such "victims" aren't to be held to normal standards.

You've been living out a long-drawn-out falsehood? Taking special assistance at key moments in your education and career? So what? All that matters is that you're on Our Side, defeating the Enemies--who are apparently so very bad that lying and grandstanding and making false identity claims are no big deal.

We saw the same Dem entitlement at work in the clown show inflicted on Brett Kavanaugh and his family. For the Democratic Party, which clearly manipulated the timing of the release of Christine Ford’s accusations, it didn’t matter a whit that none of the accusations could be proved, that not a single one of the witnesses supported Ford’s claims. All that mattered, again, was the entitlement--here a supposed right, based on the vague claim that we must "listen to women", to get whatever one wants politically without any need to establish truth.

Now I don’t know what actually happened decades ago when Ford was in high school. Nobody but Ford knows. I strongly suspect nothing happened, and that Ford knows very well Brett Kavanaugh never did what she said. I suspect Ford was simply embellishing (if not outright inventing) a story and linking it to Kavanaugh. I suspect Ford was lying, and that she was doing so because, as a woman “on the left”, Kavanaugh simply had to be defeated. She convinced herself she was going to play a heroic role, that she could just ramp up her acting a bit and manage to win one for the Team. Not to mention the fame and book deal and maybe even a movie starring Meryl Streep as the adult Ford.

But what I believe about Christine Ford doesn’t matter. What’s important is that Ford’s case was indemonstrable according to sane legal norms, and that this fact didn’t in the least matter to the Dems, who just kept repeating their #BelieveWomen mantra. If you're part of the “victim” class, America should just go along because, you know--Progress!

Demand evidence? You'll be shouted down by the Dem mobs outside as "rape apologists" or "fascists".

It's absurd. All decent people are disgusted by it. In fact, if you have a friend who isn't disgusted by it, I suggest right there you have a litmus test: Your friend is not a decent person.

On how many fronts is it now considered almost criminal even to question claims being made? How about the insane insistence that Americans virtually bow down to anyone who redefines their gender in any of 57 ways, that we use the language these “victims” demand, that we change laws to suit them, throwing out basic biology along the way?

One could go on underlining this same dynamic at work across the board. But the point today is the stench of #AbsoluteDemEntitlement that emanates from Sen. Elizabeth Warren. Rachel Dolezal is more black than Warren is Native American. Even the Cherokee Nation is disgusted by Warren’s antics.

And yet she won’t think to do the simple, graceful thing: apologize. Let that sink in.

Eric Mader

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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

蝙蝠 : 《白痴有限公司》


沒錯,蝙蝠是種中了邪,老隨著閃光燈舞動的橡膠玩具; 蝙蝠是赫卡忒* 收藏的手偶。


牠們的耳朵在生理上就是聽不到諸如布蘭妮、卡卡、肯伊等 名字。「你說哪位?」


iPhone 10 能破解這些簡訊裡的軟語嘶情嗎?那 iPhone 15 呢?


不,無論是令堂、您患有焦慮症的姑媽,還是閣下年幼的妹妹凱莉在午餐便當裡發現了囊鼠的首級— 要比尖叫,誰也沒有最弱小的蝙蝠叫得尖厲。

Was denkst du, Fledermausmann? Müssen wir noch Heidegger lesen? **

(回想少年時,我做過這種夢;倘若我現在夠果敢,就能實現這些夢:有座單間的博物館,館內只陳列蝙蝠形形色色的上下顎骨和牙齒— 每副蝙蝠的上下顎骨和牙齒都經人清洗過並且安置在牆上,下方還附了對應的蝙蝠照和專屬的十四行詩。)

蝙蝠是躁狂發作的鼴鼠,鼴鼠是抑鬱消沉的蝙蝠。蝙蝠睡覺時倒吊。蝙蝠邊睡覺邊倒吊。蝙蝠倒吊著睡 覺。





*為希臘神話中總與巫術、鬼魂、魔法聯繫在一起,象徵幽冥 的月陰女神 Hecate。 

**此句德文意為:「如何,蝙蝠俠?這下我們還要讀海德格嗎?」 馬丁.海德格(Martin Heidegger, 1889–1976)為德國哲學家。 


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