On Monday we received two screen shots of what we believe to be the Table of Contents page of Hillary Clinton's upcoming book What Happened. Our source, a connection in publishing circles, has requested to remain anonymous. Following are the chapter headings. Original screen shots below.
Eric Mader
Clay Testament
Editor in Chief
Ch. 1: A Life in Public Service
Ch. 2: My Turn
Ch. 3: Campaign Kickoff: A Running Start
Ch. 4: A Woman in the Lion’s Den
Ch. 5: A Better America
Ch. 6: Hollywood Nights: George, Amal, Meryl and I
Ch. 7: Bill’s Baggage
Ch. 8: I Never Liked that Man, Jeffrey Epstein
Ch. 9: Things Start to Go Wrong
Ch. 10: John Podesta: Friend, Art Connoisseur, Pizza Lover
Ch. 11: The Blankfeins are Such Wonderful People
Ch. 12: Bernie Sanders: Marxist
Ch. 13: A Strong Wall Street is a Strong America
Ch. 14: Comey Drops the Investigation
Ch. 15: We Kill Seth Rich
Ch. 16: Bleaching Emails to Protect National Security
Ch. 17: I Need to Remember to Stay Hydrated
Ch. 18: The Russian Hack Idea
Ch. 19: Donald Trump and Rape Culture
Ch. 20: How I Almost Killed Huma
Ch. 21: The Final Stretch
Ch. 22: Our Misogynist Racist Working Class
Ch. 23: Whose Fault Was It?
The FBI, Vladimir Putin, the Obamas, the New York Times, James Comey, Huma, Suburban Women, Bernie Sanders, Julian Assange, John Podesta, Corporate Media, Misogyny, My Campaign Staff, Aspartame, Macedonia, Our Misogynist Racist Working Class, Alexandre Dumas, Facebook, Pollsters, Harambe, Meryl, El niño, Anthony Weiner, Ohio’s Department of Motor Vehicles, Twitter, Chipotle
Ch. 24: We Kill Klaus Eberwein
Ch. 25: Looking Ahead: 2020?
(Click to enlarge):

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